Elk Cup Tournament Finals

The top 8 teams face off for the cup and its glory


Play 2024 Edition D&D

Join us in discovering and testing the new PHB



48 people enter, but only two leave with the hardware.

We salute all of those who had the courage to enter the 2024 Elk Cup, and are grateful for both the strength and honour shown. With the qualifiers behind us, August will host the top 8 teams battling for the cup—Double Elimination style. We welcome everyone to join us in celebrating, by witnessing these matches either live on our discord, or streamed through Twitch. Stay tuned for schedules, as these games will surely be a good time!

Ok, but what else?

So you want to tweak your tournament sheets and try another competitive match? Or maybe you’d rather chill and hang out at a casual table with meme characters? The best part of Exhibition Play, is that you get to do it your way!

Otherwise, stay tuned for events and small tournaments. These are perfect ways to stay sharp, and pick up a new trick or two. If you have an idea or want to run one, contact us and we can help make it happen. Let’s find out what’s possible!




Although we love and will continue to support the D&D 5e PVP experience; we are also excited to embrace and learn the 2024 edition! Regardless what you think about it, we can’t deny the collective energy and mind cultivated together here. Let’s use that and find out what this new stuff means, together. Join us in discovering what’s next for both D&D and PVP!


Over the years, one thing we have done really well, is being an accessible place to play D&D. We have everything you need to dip your toes into the new system!

  • Roll20s for everyone to use and create 2024 ed. characters: Check.

  • Community armed and pumped to play with you: Check

  • Refs, Discord and VTT facilitation: Check

  • All systems: Check!


We will start expanding and formalizing many of our processes. Teams set to task in everything from rules and map testing to video content and website design, we are creating places for you to contribute and lead. Growing and not going anywhere, it’s time we set up a system that can hold our values and strengths into the future. Join us in creating and celebrating—Lead with us!